RTÉ’S NEW DRAMA Striking Out kicked off last night – and it began with a bang.
Solicitor Tara Rafferty – played by Amy Huberman – arrived home from her hen to find her fiancé getting the ride… and that was only the beginning.
She was then introduced to a high profile new client – a famous TV star who’s been videoed having his own extra marital affair
His explanation?
I have rather lost the run of myself
Later in the episode, he finally revealed where the tape was filmed… and it was in a sex club near Leeson Street in Dublin
The only problem was, it’s still the Christmas holidays and half the country was watching in more awkward surroundings than usual
Let’s never speak of this again, nana
Tara’s investigator got the full tour of the club
Awkward glances were being exchanged around Ireland as the owner of the club detailed various pieces of apparatus hanging up around the club
“Pass the Roses please, mam.”
Next week’s episode will be easier – everyone will have left the family home again after Christmas
*pretends to read phone*
Yes, the term “clusterf**k” made it on air
Apart from the morto Christmas scheduling, it was a strong opening episode by most accounts.
Onwards to next week.