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The Sun hits back at Russell Brand rant, labelling him 'the biggest hypocrite in Britain'

The comedian compared Rupert Murdoch to Hitler and plans to sue the paper.

LET IT NEVER be said that The Sun takes anything sitting down. The tabloid launched a scathing attack on Russell Brand after he wrote a piece about them in what they call a “little read media blog”.

That media blog happens to be The Guardian’s ‘comment is free’ section, where Brand wrote a lengthy article about allegations the Sun on Sunday printed about him last week that he now plans to sue over.


He wasn’t nice about it either, comparing owner Rupert Murdoch to Hitler and calling the publication’s output “scum”. The comedian then goes on to call the media organisation “experts in propaganda” and Murdoch an “animatronic al-Qaida recruitment poster”.

The rant and suggested boycott wasn’t appreciated by the Sun, who struck back with 20 reasons why Brand is a massive hypocrite due to his extensive past work on the tabloid.

russellbsun Source: Scottygb

The newspaper sets out twenty times Brand “famously said one thing and did the opposite”, including many times he’s guest edited the paper and bragged about winning their prestigious ‘Shagger of the Year’ award three times in a row.

It was also noted that Brand’s Brand X television show and his two ‘Booky Wooks’ were both published by News Corp companies, parent of the Sun and owned by Murdoch.

Just in case the news wasn’t spreading enough, The Sun have even made an exception to their pay-wall and left the article out in the open for ALL to see.


h/t Buzzfeed

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