Dublin: 7 °C Sunday 9 March, 2025

Russell Brand chimes in on Irish water protesters and Paul Murphy's arrest

“I urge you Irish people not to be afraid”.

RUSSELL BRAND HAS featured Ireland’s water charges on his YouTube show… again.

This week, the arrest of Paul Murphy and other water charges protesters was on the agenda.

He’s not happy, saying the arrests are “intimidating” people into paying.

What’s happening is that the water protesters are getting broken down because the leaders of it are getting arrested and intimidated now. 1.5 million people have now signed up out of fear of this, but I would urge you Irish people not to be afraid and not to pay for water you’ve already paid for again and again.

“What if they go, ah you’ve fill out the water meter? Here’s a tap tax, you’re gonna have to pay extra if you want a tap installed, otherwise you’ve to lick the water up off the street”.

He can’t even keep his top on, he’s so excited:

Russell Brand tells Irish people to ‘take the day off work’ for water charges protest>

Russell Brand responds to ‘snide’ Irish reporter with an entire Trews episode>

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