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Russell Brand just tweeted a journalist's number to his 8.7 million followers

Oh. Oh dear.

RUSSELL BRAND HAS been followed by a bit of controversy this past week, calling a news reporter who questioned his wealth ‘snide’. He’s also been the subject of a campaign by The Sun newspaper branding him a hypocrite.

The Mail’s columnist Piers Morgan openly supported the campaign.

Today, Brand went for some revenge, tweeting out the contact details of a Daily Mail reporter to 8.7 million followers, before swiftly deleting it.

Brand told his followers that Neal Sears would ‘like to talk about’ his accusations that Lord Rothermere and the Daily Mail avoid tax.


Less than 30 minutes later, it was gone, and Brand tweeted an apology of sorts.

Brand could now be facing a Twitter ban, with the company rules stating that users are not allowed post personal information without the person in question’s consent.

You may not publish or post other people’s private and confidential information, such as credit card numbers, street address or  National Identity numbers, without their express authorization and permission.

Some of Brand’s followers already replied to him claiming to have pranked the journalist.


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