COMEDIAN RYAN CULLEN is not your granny.
He’s not here to light candles or say prayers for you as you begin the Leaving Cert, no, no. He’s dropping truth bombs left right and center.
The Donegal comedian tweets terribly morose messages every year just as the Leaving begins, it’s become something of an event people anticipate
Everyone who isn’t in panic station central studying for the leaving, that is. Why?
He doesn’t mess around
No, there’s no words of encouragement here
Just endless horror, that you know is true
Mollycoddling never got anyone 600 points, aye
Ryan tells us he rarely gets complaints from terrified LCers, and most retweets are students looking for time off to chill.
So don’t feel too bad for them
Keep an eye on @RyanCullen90 for more Leaving Cert related anxiety over the next two weeks.