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7 ways our Saoirse slayed at the Oscars last night

“I broke me bloody finger”.

1. The dress



Named as one of Vanity Fair’s best dressed too. Get in.

2. Her voice

Saoirse was melting hearts left right and centre with that Dub lilt.

3. Messing with Ryan Seacrest


“Ah yeah I heard Brooklyn is actually alrigh’. That young one that’s in it…”

She gave Ryan him a bit of a belt too, reminding him that he first interviewed her back when she was thirteen. He struggled to hold back the “I’M SO ELDERLY” tears.


Source: E! News/YouTube

4. And turning into a meme

5. “I broke me bloody finger”

She did, she broke her bloody finger.

Source: ODE/YouTube

6. She brought her mam

The pair of them had a great time, sitting near Matt Damon, skitting away.

7. And got pissed with her mam

No word yet on the Ronans’ Oscar party shenanigans, but considering Saoirse opens on Broadway tomorrow night in The Crucible, hopefully she’s already at home with the Dioralyte.

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Saoirse Ronan went drinking with her Mam in the middle of the Oscars ceremony

About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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