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9 examples of graffiti that probably graced your schoolbooks

DailyEdge.ie woz ‘ere.

TEACHERS MAY HAVE despaired, parents might have given out yards and your books may have been harder to sell, but if you doodled any of these during your time in school, you weren’t alone.

1. The ‘S’

The daddy of all copybook doodling.

2. Even better if your name started with ‘S’

Stevens, Stephanies, Simons, Sarahs. The lucky divils.

3. The advanced ‘S’

This is what you advanced to after you mastered the ‘S’.

4. The 3-D box

You could literally while away hours filling pages with these.

5. The advanced 3-D box

The cunning among you could turn it into some U2 graffiti.

6. The penis

These could go from the simple to the sublime, and everything inbetween.


If destroyed true/True love never dies. Obviously.

8. Professing your love for Nirvana/Oasis/Spice Girls/Metallica/5ive/A.N. Other band

9. How much do you REALLY love each other?

The percentage could be easily worked out using the letters in your name, and then you could decide if the relationship was worth it.

We’re not so sure about this one:

Which ones did we miss?

Was “Peig for President” big in your school? What about “Yeats is a pox”? Fill us in in the comments section…

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About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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