UNLESS YOU’RE A teacher, still in school, or own some kind of child-friendly attraction the only perk you’re getting from the Easter holiday break is the traffic relief.
We all remember a time when those two weeks stretched gloriously out in front of you though, right?
Here are some of the reasons why school holidays were, and probably still are, the best thing ever…
1. Cartoons
Morning after morning of delicious, endless cartoons with no bloody school to interrupt them.
You might even get up earlier that usual to fit some more in.
Gummi Bears
Ulysses 31
He-Man and the Masters of the Universe
2. Eating cereal in your pyjamas
Your mother might buy something fancy, like Frosties or Coco Pops.
You might have a second bowl, you’d have loads of time to read the back of the box, and more time to fight over these:
The Greatest Toys of All Time Ever
3. The possibility of a trip to Dublin Zoo/Fota Wildlife Park/Clara Lara/Rainbow Rapids
You’d finally get to see the place Bosco had been raving about all those years:
YouTube/Eugene McNamee
If you were a Rainbow Rapids fan, look away now:
Sebastian Dooris/Flickr/Creative Commons
4. Playing outside all day
5. You didn’t miss any of Dempsey’s Den/The Den
6. Going to the cinema in the middle of the day
Hands up who saw these in the cinema?
7. No Sunday evening fear for a couple of weeks
You know the type we mean.