Dublin: 10 °C Tuesday 4 March, 2025

'Scone or scon' has finally been settled in the UK... but what do Irish people say?

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SHOCKING NEWS FROM the UK today about these little delights.

Scones Source: DrZito

These scones… are the pronounced scohne, or scon?

It’s a debate that will penetrate the ages without ever landing at a conclusion.

Well, the smartasses over in the UK think they’ve got it sorted

In a poll by YouGov, a UK research company, people have decided that most say scon, as in, ‘gone’.

Their research suggests that it’s pronounced by 51% of the British population, so it’s a close call.

Scones Source: michael_swan

Four in ten people use the ‘cone’ pronunciation.

But what we really need to know is how Ireland pronounces it.

So, what’s it gonna be?

Poll Results:

scone, as in bone. (3788)
scon, as in gone. (495)

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