ON SUNDAY NIGHT, Englishman Jonny Smith posted a picture to the National Lottery’s Facebook page in the UK.
It looked like he had a big win on a scratch card:
It was, of course, a massive prank – as you can clearly see the third £250,000 crudely stuck on to the top.
But people loved it. His post – and hilarious explanation – quickly got over 30,000 likes. He had quite a yarn to spin:
He finished the post with these honest words:
Just to conclude, if you dont mind sending me a direct message to confirm that this is a winner i would be more than happy to pass on my postal address so you can send me my winners cheque.
Yours in honesty and trust,
Jonny Smith.
It going viral was only half the story though.
As The National Lottery got back to him on the official account – and threw him some deep burns
This comment raked in nearly 50,000 likes – and made Jonny’s prank national news. They had some advice for him too:
It may also be handy if you no longer use ink pens and buy pencils from now on to avoid another ink spillage.
Furthermore, looking at the image very closely it has come to our attention that the extra £250,000 on the top right hand corner has been placed carefully, however we recommend that you invest in some proper glue.
Taking in the fact that he’s now internet famous, Jonny came to a realisation last night
It was worth a try.