OF ALL THE reasons to start up a massive, secret construction project, having a man cave where you can watch TV and barbecue has to be low down the list.
But this guy has done just that – and it has blown up into quite the controversy in Canada this week.
Over in Toronto, there had been much speculation about the purpose of this mystery tunnel found underneath a park
Some thought it was a base for criminal activity, as it was hidden to the eye and had this ladder for people to climb in
But, as the Toronto Sun has revealed, Elton McDonald was the man behind the tunnel – and he did it as a labour of love so he would have a place to watch TV and barbecue
Clarifying that he meant no harm with the secret lair, McDonald went on to explain:
It wasn’t really a tunnel. I was going to expand it to have a couple of rooms… I was hoping to put in a TV. I did some barbecuing there. It was more a place to hang out.
Well, mystery solved.
Of course, the fact that he did all this for personal reasons was too much for many to deal with – and the event will be forever known as the #torontotunnel
And, really, we all have to give the guy some kudos for putting in such an effort so he could have a hangout area :(
Keep up the projects, Elton.