BACK IN THE day, Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez were love’s young dream.
But now the sh*t has just hit the fan.
Yesterday, Biebs said that he was going to make his Instagram private because he can’t handle the “hate” his current girlfriend Sofia Richie is getting on there
Selena waded into the comments underneath
What started off as friendly advice turned into a good old fashioned row.
But it was Gomez’s last comment that has the internet applauding the biblical levels of shade:
“Funny how the ones that cheated multiple times are pointing the finger at the ones that were forgiving and supportive”
Well now.
Such was the quality of the putdown, #SelenaEndedJustinParty blew up over social media – trending in Ireland and globally this morning
“Well, that escalated quickly”
Now the #SelenaEndedJustinParty is just full of thousands of reaction shots
And her final sign off was only glorious
It’s probably not the last we’ll hear of this squabble.