Dublin: 5 °C Wednesday 12 February, 2025

This video of an Irish man squeezing himself into a tiny pair of Poco jeans is gas

“I feel light as a feather… Ready for the town.”

WHEN IRISH MODEL Pippa O’Connor came up with the idea for her Poco jeans last year, she probably didn’t expect to see a grown man squeeze into the tightest, smallest pair possible for a gas Facebook video, but here we are.

Senan Byrne was only delighted to get a bit of surprise post.


“Hello gorgeous? That’s lovely” he says to himself as he reads the card included in the package. When he reads that his package is from Pippa, he whispers “Pippa… Pippa…” to himself, trying to establish who the sender must be. Finally he realises it must be from Philip.

The mysterious female voice in Senan’s kitchen (presumably his wife) assures him that they’re “really nice” and that he should try them on. So off he goes.

He actually fully squeezes himself into the jeans. You need to see this to believe it.

There are a few holes… but he’d probably get away with it.

If only he had gotten the maternity sizes with a bit of stretch in them.


The highlight however, is when he goes back for a second look at the address.



Let’s just hope he didn’t waste about €90 destroying a pair of Poco jeans for this video.

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About the author:

Kelly Earley

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