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6 hilarious offerings from Ireland's biggest Vine star

Are they helium balloons?

SEEN ANYTHING FUNNY on the internet today?

This has been around a bit. Seen this?…

“Are they helium baloons?”
“Ah we’re flyin’ away”.

The six second treat is the latest offering from Senan Byrne, one of Ireland’s only (and definitely its biggest) Vine star.

Byrne, who’s a nurse by trade, has worked his way up to quite a following on the app, in fact earlier this month he was chosen as the first non-US Vine creator to feature in the ‘Spotlight’ section. He’s up to almost ninety million loops on his videos.

He told DailyEdge.ie that there are precious few people involved in the Vine scene in Ireland, which is something he’d like to see change. (Although he says the small pool of creators in Ireland means that his high quality stuff rises to the top).

I tend to put a lot of time into thinking of ideas. I’m proud to say all my stuff is original.

Byrne, with his deadpan style and inexplicably funny demeanor, is also one half of the Irish Facebook comedy Fuppin Eejits, and collaborates with other Irish Facebook and Vine comedians (Stevie Cahill, Eddie Whelan, Michael Egan among others) as well as some further afield.

Presenting some of his finest work…

1.  Watching the Toy Show

2. Miriam the thug

3. Christmas songs in Ireland (collaboration with The Irish Take)

4. Duck! (with Eddie Whelan)

5. Star Wars Daddy


6. And of course that helium balloon masterpiece

19 Vines that will make you laugh every single time

About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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