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Trinity's 'sex toy' sculpture gets a visit from the Government (NSFW)

In the form of Education Minister Ruairi Quinn.

REMEMBER THE SCULPTURE that was under construction on the campus of Trinity College Dublin?

Source: DailyEdge.ie

The one that has been repeatedly compared to a giant sex toy?

Source: DailyEdge.ie/LoveHoney.co.uk

Well, it got a visit from the Government today. In the person of Education Minister Ruairi Quinn, who attended the interestingly-shaped sculpture’s official opening.

He looked a bit taken aback.

Source: Maxwell Photography

The sculpture is in honour of former Trinity professor and Nobel laureate Ernest Walton. Said Quinn:

This sculpture pays homage to him as a scientist, teacher and truly celebrates his scientific legacy.

He reached out towards the sculpture.

Source: Maxwell Photography

Quinn continued:

Ireland is home to many science heroes and Ernest T.S. Walton is one of our leading ones. This sculpture pays homage to him.

With other dignitaries, he simply marvelled at it:

Source: Maxwell Photography

All in all, Quinn handled the occasion with aplomb.

That comparison again, in GIF form:

Source: DailyEdge.ie/LoveHoney.co.uk

More: Trinity College’s new sculpture is being compared to a giant sex toy (NSFW)>

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About the author:

Michael Freeman

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