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This actress got sent a sexist note with a script and people are not happy

“push up bras encouraged.”

YOU MIGHT KNOW Rose Mcgowan from her work on Charmed, Scream, and countless other movies and TV shows down the years.

Basically, she’s great.

tumblr_m4vloeAvww1rqrk6x Source: Tumblr

Late last night, she posted a note she got with a script for an upcoming movie – and everyone is talking about how sexist it is

The reaction to the note has been nearly universally negative

And McGowan is getting kudos for putting it online

Many were just straight out disgusted by its wardrobe directions

And others came up with brilliant solutions

Oh, Hollywood.


tumblr_m4vle1YWdu1rqrk6x Source: Tumblr

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About the author:

David Elkin

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