Dublin: 9 °C Tuesday 25 February, 2025

Tesco and Lidl threw some mortifying shade at each other on Twitter

Warning: includes rap.

BRANDS ENGAGING IN banter on social media is one of Twitter’s great delights.

And when they try to get one up on a rival, things can get very entertaining. Over the weekend, Lidl Ireland and Tesco Ireland came to Twitter blows – and it got heated:

It started with a harmless enough tweet about the weekend’s weather

Lidl came back with their own weather report

Then came the grammar shade

And puns, of course.

Lidl came right back at them

The discussion then descended into a good old-fashioned bickering match

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And then, inexplicably, came the rap



Lidl declared victory

But Tesco didn’t let them away with that


Lidl got the last word in, and one more rhyme

So, who won? Who even cares? We’re just here for the shade.

We’ll let the public decide

finaltweet Source: Twitter

Can’t all our major retailers just get along?

More 14 times brands tried way too hard to be cool>

More 15 nominations for the best #shade ever thrown>

About the author:

David Elkin

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