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These 90s teen movies were actually based on Shakespeare

Like, totally wherefore art thou Romeo, you know?

DID YOU TURN your nose up at the trashy teen movies of the 90s?

Well, little did you know you were actually turning your nose up at SHAKESPEARE.

Yes, that’s right, during the 90s and early 00s there was quite the fad for adapting the Bard for the silver screen – then aiming these filmic spitballs right at teens… with a delectable 90s twist.

(By “delectable 90s twist” we mostly just mean bad hair and lipliner. Feel free to use that one.)

10 Things I Hate About You

The 1999 classic with Julia Stiles and the sadly departed Heath Ledger. It was based on the Taming of the Shrew, which rhymes with the name. Clever, right? I mean, not Shakespeare clever, but fairly clever.


Get Over It

This is an odd one. In more ways than one. Let’s just say it’s a “loose” adaptation of A Midsummer Night’s Dream and leave it at that.

Kirsten Dunst, we sincerely hope this film was just a pay cheque for you. Also, this film features music legend Sisqo. That’s right – of Thong Song fame.

Source: CappaZack


Another Julia Stiles entry into the quite niche “teen movies based on Shakespeare” genre. Ever wonder if the trend for Shakespearian teen drama didn’t continue solely due to the glum presence of the mopey Ms Stiles? Think about it.

Anyway, O is a high school retelling of Othello. Because the world needed that.

Source: movieposter.com

Source: filmtipps24

She’s The Man

Ah, Amanda Bynes. We hardly knew ye. This gender-swapping, role-reversing teen flick is based on the Twelfth Night. Truly, Hollywood is eating itself.

Source: Fanpop


Yet another teen movie based on the Twelfth Night. Who knew it had such rich depths for the 13-20 year olds? This is a Disney Channel original. And features motocross. Hey, why not? Shakespeare and motocross are a match made in Heaven, and you can’t disprove that.

Source: Dchannel2010

Read: Can you identify these teen movies from the clues? >

Read: 11 great pieces of advice for your teenage self>

About the author:

Fiona Hyde

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