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11 reasons why sharing your bed actually sucks

You might need that spare room after all.

SHARED LOVE IS a thing of beauty and joy.

But is a shared bed?

Hmm… not necessarily.

In fact, it can be pretty annoying. Here are things are that a bedfollow might do that completely wrecks the snooze buzz.

1. Stealing the duvet

There’s always one in a bed-sharing relationship that simply has no concept of boundaries when it comes to the bedding.

The duvet is for sharing.


Image: via Shutterstock

Mapping out the borders of the bed is a serious and contentious business. Military-esque techniques of quiet advancement may be deployed against you. Fight your corner – protect your side.

Image: via Imgur

2. Finding crumbs in bed


Someone was eating digestive and Doritos in there and it wasn't you.

Image: via Easily Emused

Now you've got scratchy, smelly sheets and only one person to blame.

3. Waking you up

If you're sharing a bed, you're pretty much up when your other half decides you are.

Image: via Interesting Facts

Weird noise in the night? You're getting woken up.

They can't sleep? You're getting woken up.

Someone off to work early? Yep, you guessed it! You're getting woken up.

4. Snoring

See also: talking in their sleep.

Image: via Shutterstock

Some of the more long-suffering among us might even have a sleep-walking partner. How are you able?

5. Starfishing

Your better half staggers into the bedroom in the wee hours, having had a skinfull in the pub. They get into bed and they...

Image: via Concrete Playground


All limbs squarely into each corner of the bed, flopped right in the centre. They are asleep immediately - rigid, immovable, there for the night.

6. Leaving their socks on

Image: via Wikimedia Commons

Please don't leave your stinky day-old gross socks on in our bed.

7. Cold feet

Although, cold feet are almost as bad as stinky socks.

Image: via Strange Cosmos

And don't even get us started on the perils of getting scratched by someone else's toenails.

8. Drooling on the pillow

A little snail-trail, left tracked across the pillow and your partner's face.

Image: via Tumblr

Romantic. Nnnnnot.

9. There just aren't enough sockets

If you're both gonna have your phone charging, the lamp plugged in, the laptop going - well there just simply isn't enough plugs.

Image: via USFA

Someone is going to have to compromise. This never happened with the single bed!

10. Clashing bed schedules

One person is ready to snooze it up, while the other person wants the light on a bit longer to "just finish this chapter".

Image: via Phil Edwards

11. Dead arms

You're lying there, and only your feckin' arm is asleep.

Your special someone is lying on your arm and it kills. But if you move, you'll wake them!

Remember Ross from Friends and his revolutionary "hug and roll"?


This could be your solution.

What annoys you the most about sharing your bed?

Read: 14 reasons to believe in life after love>

Read: 1970s TV ad shows the glamour of Bank of Ireland in New York>

About the author:

Fiona Hyde

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