IT’S BEEN QUITE the whirlwind year for Minster of Health Simon Harris. Last July he got married to long-term love and cardiac nurse Caoimhe Wade.
Then in May, after a stellar performance during a debate for the 8th Referendum, he unexpectedly become something of a, dare I say, sex symbol.
Future generations may not understand the thirst of Irish millenial women during May 2018, but there was something very ‘je n’ais se quoi’ about a man tutting, side-eyeing and sighing his way through a debate with a factually incorrect, infuriating anti-choice puppet.
And then last night he dropped this lil bombshell, which may or may not have broken many an Irish woman’s heart.
Firstly, love that Ministers of State are now dropping pregnancy news on Insta.
Secondly, kudos that he’s taking his new role as a support to his wife seriously by reading up on pregnancy.
Thirdly, though, what’s up with the gas book cover?
A book about pregnancy, and it’s fecking sperm that make the front cover?
A woman is the one who is pregnant for 9 months and enables a literal human to grow in her uterus. It’s amazing because of the end result, but also because it’s one of the most dangerous things a healthy woman in her fertile years can do: your vital organs move out of place, huge strain is placed on your back, your blood pressure increases, etc, etc.
But the sperm, which is sent signals by the egg and beckoned like a servant to impregnate it, is what makes the front cover?
Classic boys, need to make everything, even pregnancy, about their small sperm energy.
Not to berate Sex Symbol Simon here though – he didn’t choose the book cover. But I feel that it belittles the intelligence of men that they need to be enticed to buy a book cause their seed is on it.
Captioning his Instagram, Simon let slip the news that the baby would be due sometime in December:
Some summer reading courtesy of my wife! #lotstolearn #5monthstogo #exciting #family #ireland #reading #summer #book
Love it – he’s such a Dad already with his hashtagging.
Best of luck to Simon and Caoimhe. What a luck baba entering the world with such a feminist father!