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The Hardest Simpsons Quiz Ever

Don’t worry though, it’s only Seasons 1-10.

simpsonstitleNEW Source: wikia

1. What is Homer's mother's name?

2. Which of these actors has never appeared as a guest voice on the show?
Martin Sheen
Charlie Sheen

Meryl Streep
Winona Ryder
3. What was the name of the restaurant where Homer was 'poisoned' in Season 2?
Up, Up and Buffet!
The Happy Sumo

Sushi of the Sea
Taj Mah-All-You-Can-Eat
4. What is the name of Chief Wiggum's wife?
Laura Wiggum
Sarah Wiggum

Rachel Wiggum
Mandy Wiggum
5. Hank Scorpio gets Homer to decide which country he likes the least so he can destroy it. What were his options?
Italy and Germany
Germany and France

Italy and France
Spain and Italy
6. Which proposed Law would see Apu and other immigrants deported from Springfield?
Proposition 21
Proposition 22

Proposition 24
Proposition 28
7. Which Paul McCartney song can you play backwards to "hear a recipe for a really ripping lentil soup."
Band on the Run
Live and Let Die

Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
Maybe I'm Amazed
8. Name this character from Moe's Tavern...
Mike Rotch
Seymour Butz

Hugh Jass
Jacques Strap
9. When the family go to New York, what is the name of the musical they go to see?
Kickin' It: A Musical Journey through the Betty Ford Center
I'm Checkin' In: A Musical Journey through the Betty Ford Center
10. What name does Millhouse attempt to enter when playing the Bonestorm video game?

11. What is the name of the Australian boy that Bart prank calls?

12. What Scottish town is Groundskeeper Willie from?
North Kilttown

Loch Ness
South Kilttown
13. Who is Gabbo's puppeteer?
Llewellyn Sinclair
Alfred E. Neuman

Hollis Hurlbut
Arthur Crandall
14. What did Martin serve up at his birthday party that made everyone ill?

15. Which of these films would you NOT remember Troy McClure from?
The Erotic Adventures of Hercules
The Boatjacking of Supership 79

School of Hard Knockers
Dial M for Murderousness
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About the author:

David Elkin

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