Dublin: 4 °C Thursday 27 February, 2025

A single dad created a class to help other dads style their daughters' hair


MOST DADS ARE good at what seems like everything. However, the one thing you can rely on them to mess up is doing your hair as a youngster.

Yes, even if you’re a boy.

While one genius came up with this simple solution…


… single dad Philippe Morgese set up a class to teach single dads how to properly style their daughters’ hair

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Florida man Morgese became a single dad when his daughter Emma was two, and trained himself to give her something a little more extravagant than a pony tail. He began getting inquiries about how he did it, so set up a class in the local beauty school to give back.

He didn’t charge a thing, writing on Reddit he felt it wouldn’t be right as he ‘isn’t a professional’.

He posted the photos of the first class, to which seven dads attended, to Reddit to inspire others. They’ve been viewed by well-wishers over 2.2 million times!

Ah dads, the true heroes.

8 dads who got there JUST in time>

20 things Irish dads love>

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