POSTING TO CRAIGSLIST might be questionable enough at the best of times, but this New York woman is using the site to try and find the father of her expected child.
The reason that the internet is absolutely enthralled with this particular ad, is because the woman has included a drawing of the man in the hope that it triggers somebody’s memory. And the drawing is not very good. At all:
The ad gives some details as to when this romantic liaison took place – and it seems that the search will be confined to the East Village area of New York.
If you want to be in the child’s life it will be born soon. I hope you will.
I tried to draw you. I’m no police sketch artist, but I think the resemblance is there.
Here is the ad title in all its glory
It ended with this plea:
If anybody from the village area recognized this man let him no he has baby son coming.
There is no way of knowing if this is a prank, or just an expectant mother reaching out to the internet in search of the father. Given the amount of attention it is receiving online – and the fact that Yahoo! has picked up the search – there might actually be a chance of a reunion if it is real.
Good luck, brave artist.