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Men were interviewed about their skincare routines and it makes for pretty scary reading

“I use bar soap on the sides of my nose in the shower.”

SKINCARE HAS BECOME something of a hot topic over the last couple of weeks. First, there was that article giving out those who indulged in convoluted, multi-step skincare routines.

Now, the focus has turned to men and their, eh, not so laborious approach to saving face.

Journalist Amanda Mull interviewed several men for Mel Magazine to learn more about their skincare routine (if they had any).

There were some shocking admissions – none more so than the man who said he washes his face with DISH SOAP. As in, Fairy Liquid, like. What?!

Outside of the shower, I will wash my face only if it feels particularly dirty or greasy — with hand soap if I’m in my bathroom or dish soap if I’m in my kitchen.”

His argument is that the stuff is used to clean animals who’ve been caught in oil spills, so y’know, perfectly logical, right?

Charles (47) admitted he doesn’t wash his face at all, while another guy said he literally just uses bar soap on certain sections of his face.

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People reckon toxic masculinity has hindered men in the education process when it comes to skincare. And now, potentially, they’re too afraid to ask.


Of the men the writer spoke with who use products intended for their faces, almost all of them chose to develop a routine because of medical issues like acne or dermatitis, or because they were in long-term relationships with women from whom they could borrow products and get some basic skincare consulting.

If you’ve no idea where to start, start by simply washing (not with absolutely scalding water, as one interviewee does) and moisturising your face (preferably with something with SPF!).

You can choose to get more complicated if you desire – but that’s another story for another day.

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