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There's a new 'skinny' prosecco, and here's how you can get it in Ireland

Mother may I.

IF YOU ENJOY bottomless prosecco brunches, as we all do, there’s a new way to make it lighter.

Push for prosecco! #strawberry #prosecco #pushforprosecco #manchester #nightout #arnoldschloss Source: vickirose96

Amanda Thomson, founder of Thomson and Scott, already launched a Skinny Champagne for those who want to cut back on the sugar in a glass of bubbly. She’s now launched a Skinny Prosecco and it could be the best thing ever invented, bar nothing.

There are only 67 calories per 100ml and promises half the sugar content of a standard glass.

Thanks @selfridgesfood @selfridgeswine @theofficialselfridges for this cool shot of @skinnyprosecco showing its best side on display in store #skinnyprosecco #skinnychampagne #skinnyfizz #thomsonandscott @thedigitalwinecompany @forest_ldn @eatoutlots @georgia_loves @boundarypusher @upmfranzen Source: skinnychampagne

But, BUT, where can you get it in Ireland?

Amanda tells DailyEdge.ie that they’re working on finding stockists in Ireland “as we speak”.


We’re assured that, until then, they can ship the prosecco to Ireland in boxes of six, but it will cost you approx €134. Eep.

Still, can you put a price on happiness?

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