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Here's why you stick one leg out of the covers when you're sleeping

Finally, science is getting to the bottom of the important issues.

EVERYONE KNOWS THE classic sleeping move that is sticking one leg out of the covers and keeping the rest of you under the blanket.

It’s a standard move, but we never knew the science behind it until now.

New York Magazine and The Science of Us Sleep Institute have explained why we do it.

blanket1 Source: Youtube

Basically, your body naturally gets colder at the time you usually go to sleep. This tells the body that it’s time for bed

blanket2 Source: Youtube

This is when the feet play their crucial role – and explains why so many of us naturally decide to stick that leg out and over

blanket3 Source: Youtube

Firstly, the bottom of your feet are hairless – and they are one of the body’s primary cooling mechanisms

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They also contain complex vascular structures that get that heat out quickly

blanket6 Source: Youtube

So, it’s the cooling from the feet that makes you slide that foot out and wrap it around the blanket.

Watch the full video here, and be proud of your sleeping position from now on. Science says it’s the best way, and that’s good enough for us:

Source: New York Magazine/YouTube

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About the author:

David Elkin

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