Of the three main crisp flavours in Ireland – along with Cheese & Onion and Salt & Vinegar – Smokey Bacon is perhaps the most divisive of them all.
But really, we should be celebrating its very existence here on a daily basis
Because there aren’t that many places outside Ireland, the UK and Canada that seems to love them as much as us
In most cases, they’ve never even heard of such a flavour.
It might not be as popular as the two crisp-flavour-giants but to fans of Smokey Bacon we live in a flavour paradise.
The website Serious Eats agrees, with Smokey Bacon being listed as one of the reasons why “British and Irish crisps are brilliant”:
Why these crisps aren’t in every US convenience store is beyond me (I know there are smaller regional US producers, but they don’t have nearly the following as in UK). We like bacon so much nowadays that we put it in desserts. This seems far more sane. And delicious.
Given how rare they are, the Tayto variety is demanded by Irish people all over the world
And there are fond memories of the Sam Spudz version of Smokey Bacon as well
It’s the flavour chosen by Luke Skywalker himself when he was here ffs
And Eva Longoria too
Smokey Bacon-lovers appreciate the sentiment of such high-profile exponents
Crisp-lovers elsewhere are just missing out
The best <3