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Every important TV soap theme tune, ranked from worst to best


AS MERE PORTALS to the more exciting plotlines and cliffhangers within, we may not always give classic soap theme tunes the attention they deserve.

But many of them are works of art in their own right, and need to be honoured as such. Here are 12 of the most recognisable – ranked from worst to best.

12. Hollyoaks

Source: Hollyoaks Fans/YouTube

The Hollyoaks theme tune (both the original and current versions) tries too hard to be cool, and just ends up dull. Shame.

11. Brookside

Source: hadj0587/YouTube

The Brookside theme tune is 90s-tastic, with synths on synths on synths. This is not necessarily a good thing.

10. Fair City (Mid-00s theme tune)

Source: faircityfan/YouTube

Fair City has changed its theme tune more times than we’ve had hot dinners. The mid-00s theme was a spacey, minimal re-working of the far superior 90s theme tune, which gets a mention further up the list.

9. Fair City (Current/original theme tune)

Source: faircityfan/YouTube

The current Fair City theme is a jigged-up version of the original theme from the late 80s/early 90s. Both are bad.

8. Emmerdale

Source: johnmartin1097/YouTube

The theme tune is certainly very grand, but does it befit the show it introduces? Not really.

7. The Riordans

Source: killianm2/YouTube

RTÉ really piled on the “diddly-idle-dee” for this one, which we suppose is in tune (excuse the pun) with the 60s soap opera set on a Kilkenny farm.

6. Neighbours

Source: Homeandawaynutter/YouTube

Australian soaps are fine examples of how theme tunes benefit from lyrics. Would the Neighbours theme be half as good if we couldn’t chime in “THAT’S WHEN GOOD NEIGHBOUUUUURS BECOME GOOOOOD FRIIIIIIIENDS”? Nope.

5. Fair City (Mid 90s/early 00s theme tune)

Source: faircityfan/YouTube

Here is the ultimate Fair City theme tune – elegant, appropriate, with just the right amount of influence from Irish traditional music. Why did they change it? WHY?

4. Home and Away

Source: David T.V/YouTube

“You know we belong together…” What did the lyrics have to do with the plot? Nothing really. But what a belter of a tune.

3. Glenroe

Source: saynotoursoap/YouTube

GET UP TO BED! Ah no, we’re only joking. Both iterations of the Glenroe theme tune are classics, but we picked this one for the sweeping shots of rolling hills and the added Irishness of the arrangement. Have you your homework done?

2. Coronation Street

Source: hadj0587/YouTube

The opening bars of the Coronation Street theme will instantly transport you back to the tea times of your youth – trying to hum it while stuffing fish fingers and mash into your gob. All together now: “MEEEEEEEEEEEEE me me mememeeeeee….”

1. Eastenders

Source: Lana S/YouTube

Where Coronation Street’s theme is warm and welcoming, Eastenders theme warns you that STUFF IS GOING TO GO DOWN in this episode, so you better prepare yourselves. Those opening drum beats are iconic, and for that, Eastenders is the winner.

Do you agree? What’s your favourite classic soap theme tune? Let us know…CLOSER EACH DAYYYYY, HOME AND AWAY.

Read: 19 signs you grew up in a Coronation Street house>

More: Meet the unsigned Irish band whose music is on Eastenders>

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