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Is it ever acceptable to wear socks and sandals?

Grazia claims they’re back in fashion.

SOME WOULD SAY that the topic isn’t up for debate, but if recent fashion magazine articles are to go by, socks and sandals are IN.

Grazia have dubbed socks and sandals a must-have to ‘perfect 2015′s advanced stages of ugly-chic’.


Ts8yRRK Source: Imgur

Further evidence would indicate that socks and sandals have been a fashion staple since this time last year, meaning that those NOT wearing socks and sandals are late to the trend.

Jesus wept.

But put away the white socks and flat sandals, Teen Vogue says its tricky to get right, and cute socks must be worn.

to keep you looking like your cool self (and not like your dad on that one vacation we will not speak of).


What they’re really talking about is these kind of sock-sandal combos

This pretty much ticks all the outfit perfection boxes for this weather!☑️ #dungarees #fauxfurn #sockswithsandals ☑️ Image via StyleSaint.com @stylesaint Source: things_theylike

Source: ameliabreading

Breaking one of the first rules of fashion today by wearing socks with sandals Source: narcissism.is.normal

There are benefits of course, the Huffington Post Fashion says:

Socks and sandals are a smart idea for tricky transition weather, but they are also a painless way to break in new shoes (leave those Band-Aids at home, people).

Bustle lays out some pretty standard rules.

Of course, there are a few rules to nailing this trend. First of all, you can’t just rock a flip flop. The sandal has to be cool and functional with socks. Secondly, the sock has to be cute, too. No worn out gym socks, guys.

The Guardian have also recently published a whole sock and sandal matching guide. But can we distinguish one pair of socks and sandals from another? Can we really allow socks and sandals to be a thing, when people might take this from it?

It doesn't matter how hot you are... NO ONE EVER DO THIS! #StrangersInTransit #NYC #SocksSandals #Fashion #Mandals #Sandals #InstagramNYC Source: rondazed

No, no we can’t

As is the nature of inclusion.

Fasion or because it just makes sense to wear this in the rain #fasion #nono #sockssandals #socksflipflops #socks #fasionnono Source: sasha_a_sasha

They’ve even started to diversify

Flip flops socks. We allowed this to happen, we all allowed it.

CLJSATiWgAAd7Ev Source: Ange1ica

Well, is it ever OK to wear socks and sandals?

Poll Results:

It's unacceptable. Completely unacceptable. (2290)
Each to their own. (701)
I like them. (254)

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