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This blogger's Instagram about what it's *really* like being 33 weeks pregnant is brilliant

Swollen cankles and all.

SOPHIA CACHIA IS an Australian parenting blogger who runs a website called The Young Mummy.

Cachia is the mother of a two-year-old son and is currently expecting her second child.

A few days ago, Cachia posted this photo of herself on Instagram. As you can see, she looks great!

Once the compliments started rolling in, however, Cachia grew uncomfortable with the attention she was receiving and felt as though she was misleading her followers.

“I feel like I deceived you all,” she wrote. “I uploaded a photo of me looking pretty darn glamorous. “And although I like that photo of myself, and I did put in effort to go out in the city looking ‘nice’ that day to perk myself up a bit – I feel like a lot of you misinterpreted me as a person.”

You see, there were a lot.. and I mean ALOT of comments… saying “wow you looking AMAZING” and “how do you look so good” But the ones that really didn’t sit well with me were the “I wish I could look like you when pregnant.”

And so she decided to share this photo on Instagram in an effort to show what it’s really like to be 33 weeks pregnant. (Spoiler alert: it’s not that glamorous.)


She explained that in the first photo, she was wearing a spray tan and her hair was curled. The angles were flattering. She was wearing giant sunglasses.

But in reality, she doesn’t look like that everyday.

Now whilst I am only 26 and proud of the fact I sometimes make a lot of effort in my presentation, I do things like tan, makeup, hair etc quite regularly… THAT IS NOT ME EVERYDAY!!!! I can ASSURE you that 5/7 days a week, THIS IS ME

And she went on to explain what it’s really like being pregnant, swollen cankles and all.

I’m a 33 week pregnant extremely uncomfortable woman, one with furry teeth, I have a bikini line that I haven’t seen for over a month assumably in desperate need of a good wax and owner to a smell of sweat that I can’t quite figure out where it’s coming from.
This is me in all my swollen-cankles glory. This is me doing my third load of washing wearing a bathers top & undies around the house because who needs clothes inside when you’re pregnant.

Her advice? Don’t aspire to look like everyone you see on Instagram.

Please don’t say ‘I wish I looked like you’  because whilst I should take that as a compliment and I am grateful for your kindness, every person’s body is different, everyone’s pregnancy is different, and the LAST thing I ever want to seem like I am is the person who makes everything look OK all the time. We all know that’s bullshit, true?


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About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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