Dublin: 11 °C Friday 7 March, 2025

Does this photo of a condom filled with spaghetti mean we have reached peak internet?

Explain yourself, internet.


We have reached peak internet.

Yesterday, a Tumblr user named bent-duck posted this photo of a condom filled with spaghetti.

No text attached, no explanation, no nothing.

Just a photo of a condom filled with spaghetti.

Here it is in all its bizarre glory.

tumblr_ndqkxpCUIS1touov2o1_500 Source: bent-duck/Tumblr

Today it is going viral and the original post has attracted almost 28,000 likes and reblogs on Tumblr.

Why? Nobody knows!

All we know is that nothing will ever be the same.

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About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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