CHOOSING A KRIS Kindle present is the eternal struggle.
What do you get the person in the office whose name you learned last week? What do you get the family member who seemingly has it all that also doesn’t cost €4,000?
Well, if your Kris Kindle fancies themselves as both a Leo da Vinci AND a spicebag connoisseur, you’re in luck.
This colouring book from The Dirt Bird documents all the crazy things you can up to with your spicebag sidekick by your side.
Hours of fun.
If they’re not a takeaway person (in which case I would suggest forcibly removing them from your life), maybe they long for the heady days of yore?
Enter – The Celtic Tiger Colouring Book.
RIP the chocolate fondue set/breadmaker gathering dust in the back of the cupboard.
Both colouring books are a tenner, so they don’t break the bank either. Sure you could get the two of them if you fancied. Go on. Go mad.