Dublin: 11 °C Thursday 6 March, 2025

'Spiderman of South Anne Street' fights off determined attacker at Gotham Café

Things got a bit strange in Dublin city centre this afternoon.

‘IT’S NOT SOMETHING you see every day’ — as one onlooker noted.

The circumstances of how a fight broke out today between a street performer dressed as Spiderman, and another man, not dressed as Spiderman, are unclear as yet.

However, thankfully — it appears all involved came out of the encounter on Dublin’s South Anne Street relatively unscathed.

It all starts quite violently indeed — the blue-tracksuited man appearing to connect with a few punches.

‘Spiderman’ then wrestles him to the ground, and the pair engage in a brief scuffle over the second man’s baseball hat.

It all gets a bit weird after that. (Weirder still.)

The ‘superhero’ apparently decides he doesn’t want to let the man past a certain point in the street (past the Gotham Café, appropriately enough).

There’s a few more handbag-like encounters — after which a number of onlookers intervene, and the whole situation appears to calm down a little.

The whole video can be viewed here. [Credit: RM Videos]

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About the author:

Daragh Brophy

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