Dublin: -3 °C Saturday 15 March, 2025

This runner's majestic face-plant completely sums up your life

“How are things?” This. This is things.

IF SOMEONE ASKS you how life is going these days, send them this. It should tell them all they need to know.

sprint Source: Twitter/@lexiann6

Athlete Makenna Kroge recently competed in a sprint at her high school – and well, she got a bit ahead of herself.

A video of her attempt has been retweeted over 20,000 times so far, which is unsurprising as it’s a masterpiece:

Tweet by @Lexi Cornelius Source: Lexi Cornelius/Twitter

Can’t see the video? Click here.

The full spectrum of human emotion can be found here.

sprinting Source: Twitter

If that was us, we’d be running right out of town and changing our identities instead of finishing the race. But fair play, Makenna. Fair play.

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