OUT OF THE depths of Leaving Cert procrastination has come something artistic, something creative, something beautiful.
It’s the Sraith Pictiúr parody videos, created by Dublin student Eoin McMahon. McMahon has taken one of the most hated elements of the Leaving Cert Irish syllabus (the dreaded Sraith Pictiúr, which require students to be able to speak about 20 picture sequences as Gaeilge, and to answer questions about them) and added unprecedented levels of craic.
Take Liam and Mary here, up to no good, planning the sesh… (plenty of focail dána here, you have been warned):
Or Liam, doing shite all study:
The Facebook page has also inspired some more unprecedented levels of procrastination from the likes of student Laura Gough, who is, in her own words, “absolutely f**ked*:
Good luck everyone, you’ll all be grand! And don’t worry, everyone speaks French in the Irish oral!