Dublin: 5 °C Tuesday 11 February, 2025

What happens when Spock and Captain Kirk try to speak Irish?

They’re not half bad, that’s what.

NEVER MIND TRYING to speak Klingon, check out what happens when a couple of Star Trek hunks tried to get their tongues around cupla focail.

Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto were challenged by TG4 to practice a few Star Trek phrases as Gaeilge.

We think we made a pretty good stab at it:

Video: YouTube/PoncTG4

This isn’t the first time Star Trek has gone Oirish.

Behind-the-scenes footage of Pine and Quinto reveals that they attempted to film a scene in Irish accents. They couldn’t help breaking down with laughter though, the pups:

Video: YouTube/FlamingSnot

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This kitten wants this milk in its face, NOW!

About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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