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25 of the most stressful moments in every Irish childhood

Growing up in Ireland was constant stress.

IRISH KIDDIES, THE stress is real.


1. Keeping your Tamagotchi alive

Tamagotchi P1 Source: BlogSpot

2. The dash to get £1 while the ice cream man was waiting

3. Ringing the bell at mass

4. Doing maths on the board in school

5. Trying to be the one to get the prize in the cereal box


6. Deciding what to wear on no uniform day

7. When your mam told you not to get wet during a waterfight on the estate

8. Rollerblading down the road hoping a car didn’t come

9. Deciding what colour coolpop to get

10. Attempting to seal a good trade in Pokemon cards and pogs

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11. The fecking feis

12. Pretending that you did all the worksheets when your teacher was absent

13. When the phone rang and your mam wasn’t home

14. When your mam left you at the till to pick up the milk

15. Picking a video and feeling the weight of having to rewind it

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16. Trying to record a song on the radio without the DJ speaking over it

17. Legging it home to watch Bosco

18. Wondering and worrying if Bosco will go into the box

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19. Trying to not fall asleep watching the Toy Show

21. What would happen when the batterys on your runners would run out

Screen-shot-2012-02-01-at-12.45.20-PM Source: Defynewyork

22. Wondering if you’ll get the strawberry milk in school as the recipent was as lathair

23. Forgetting your money for a cake sale

24. Doing compulsory confession in school

25. And finally… everything about this

.front.fallons-table-book Source: Schoolbookstore

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