A HIGH SCHOOL student in the U.S. is currently facing suspension after taking a selfie with a dead body on a school trip… and posting it to Instagram.
The student and her classmates visited the University of Alabama’s biology department earlier this month to learn about their anatomical donor program.
Part of the visit included some time in the morgue, where the student in question pulled a sheet back and took a selfie with a cadaver.
One of her classmates wasn’t impressed, and showed her older sister the (now deleted) Instagram post who then reported it to the school and local news station WHNT.
Acccording to The Daily Dot, the students school are currently in the process of ‘deciding on the discipline that will occur’. The University of Alabama is not impressed.
A student was made explicitly aware of these policies and breached them. This kind of disrespect is unacceptable and very disappointing. We will review our processes to ensure this does not happen again.
What is happening to the world?
H/T Gawker