NUI GALWAY STUDENT Eoghan Finn is in the running to become SU President – and the all important election is tomorrow.
So in a last minute push for votes, Eoghan has been inspired by a former President of the college’s SU – Michael D Higgins.
And he pulls off a surprisingly good impression of him in his latest campaign video
Titled ‘A Presidential Address’ Finn actually uses the video to give some seriously detailed plans on what he would do if he gets into office
As he writes on Facebook: “Our campaign is honoured to have this endorsement! Watch for our policies and a bitta Michael D.”
As gag SU campaign videos go, this address actually captures Michael D’s voice down to a tee – and works so well as a result
Will it get him the job? Who knows.
But he’s tied himself to a good brand ambassador that might just take him over the line.