Dublin: 10 °C Monday 24 February, 2025

Man risks attack from angry male swan to save cygnet

Everyone knows a swan can break your arm or kill a dog!

ON HIS WAY to respond to a call from the public to Wildlife Aid about a trapped cygnet, Simon Cowell (no relation) acknowledges:

I’m not quite sure what the scenario is. All I do know is that an adult swan protecting young is incredibly vicious.

Cowell already knows that there is an adult swan on the scene, most likely the cob.

As he approaches he mutters:

Well this is where we likely get attacked.

But on he goes.


Cowell is the founder of Wildlife Aid, a non-proft organisation rescuing and caring for animals since the late seventies.

He’s also got nerves of steel…

Source: Wildlife Aid/YouTube

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About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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