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Dublin: 7 °C Monday 24 February, 2025

This Swedish billboard with a twist is going viral for a great reason

The best awareness-raising campaign you’ll see today.

EARLIER THIS YEAR, Swedish shampoo brand Apolosophy released a billboard advert for metro stations in Stockholm.

Every time a train went past, the model’s hair would blow around. The ads went viral around the world.

This month, Barncancerfonden – a children’s cancer charity in Sweden – released their very own twist on the same ad.

The results are powerful.

Source: Barncancerfonden/YouTube

Eight days after being released, the ad has been viewed more than 1.5million times.

Garbergs, the agency who created the ad, took it on as a pro bono project. Their copywriter Sedir Ajeenah told

The world shares the film not just because they think it’s beautifully made, but because they think the message is beautiful.

You can donate to Barncancerfonden here, or to the Irish Cancer Society here.

via Reddit

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About the author:

Michael Freeman

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