Dublin: 10 °C Thursday 6 March, 2025

Swedish scientists are hiding Bob Dylan lyrics in their papers

Because science.

A GROUP OF Swedish scientists have admitted to sneaking Bob Dylan lyrics into their articles for, oh, seventeen years.

Additionally, the collective are holding a bet over who can insert the most Dylan lyrics into the research articles.

According to The Local, it all started seventeen years ago when two professors collaborated on a paper entitled “Nitric Oxide and inflammation: The answer is blowing in the wind”.

blowinginthewind Source: Nature.com

Years later, a librarian stumbled across a paper by a different pair of scientists with the catchy title “Blood on the tracks: a simple twist of fate”. The librarian connected the scientists and the battle has been waged since.

There are now five scientists participating in the wager, the winner of which will be treated to lunch.

Speaking on the matter, Professor Eddie Weitzberg told The Local:

I would much rather become famous for my scientific work than for my Bob Dylan quotes. But yes, I am enjoying this!

Our favourite paper so far? “Tangled up in blue: Molecular cardiology in the postmolecular era”.

We’re certain Bob would be proud.

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About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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