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Taylor Swift yanked all her albums from Spotify and the world is going slightly crazy about it

Here’s why.

Source: AP/Press Association Images

TAYLOR SWIFT HAS removed every single one of her albums from Spotify, the company announced today.

The artist made the decision to withdraw her music from the music-streaming giant days after the release of her highly-anticipated new album, 1989.

By this evening, all you get when you search her name is a few second-tier compilation appearances:

Needless to say, her fans are dead. DEAD.

Spotify released a statement on Swift’s decision, saying: “We hope she’ll change her mind.” The company said 16 million people have listened to Swift using its streaming service in the last 30 days alone, and her songs are on 19 million playlists.

They conclude with a plea:

Taylor, we were both young when we first saw you, but now there’s more than 40 million of us who want you to stay, stay, stay. It’s a love story, baby, just say, Yes.

However, Swift’s dramatic move sparked headlines all over the world. So far, Google News lists almost 500 articles about it.

In fact, the profusion of comment on the issue has even given rise to a new word: “Swinkpiece”.

(Hats off, Popjustice. Hats off.)

Swift herself wrote an op-ed for the Wall Street Journal earlier this year, stating:

It’s my opinion that music should not be free.

She wrote that “piracy, file sharing and streaming have shrunk the numbers of paid album sales drastically”, adding that “every artist has handled this blow differently.”

But let’s leave this one with the fans, eh?


More: Taylor Swift refused to speak Irish because she thought it was rude>

More: 16 people who just listened to Taylor Swift’s new album and are NOT OKAY>

About the author:

Michael Freeman

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