LAST WEEK, A Thai ad for a telecommunications company went viral due to its ability to get to people’s hearts and make them cry.
It’s not the first to strike a tear filled chord with people though. Emotionally manipulative ads are the stuff of advertisers dreams, but hey, sometimes you need a cry.
So, here are ten ads which are definitely weepers.
The aforementioned Thai mobile ad
This Chipotle ad
This ad for Chipotle, an American chain of fast food restaurants specialising in Mexican food takes you on a journey through the world of genetically modified food and has had American weeping since it launched last week.
This Budweiser ad
This was one of the ads featured during the Superbowl in January, but never made it to our screens. If you’re an animal lover, prepare to weep.
This Cesar ad
You know this one. It’s probably made you cry before.
Let’s watch it again.
This Proctor and Gamble ad from the Olympics
Some were frustrated by this ad’s failure to acknowledge fathers’ contributions to their childrens upbringing, but there’s no doubting the emotion this stirs in most.
This Thai life insurance ad
Who knew that Thai people were so good at making us cry?
The John Lewis Christmas ad
A modern classic.
The Pantene Violinist ad
She’s deaf! But she wants to play the violin!
This ad for Australian organisation GetUp!
This tale of two young romancers went viral in Australia, it’s easy to see why.
And of course, the ultimate classic
Will we ever get over this ad? Probably not.