TWITTER IS THE home of snappy parody accounts.
This Sex and the City 3 account @SATC3quel has to be our new favourite, taking the popular sitcom out of the 90s and into the future. Gems include:
Here are 4 more that you should definitely follow:
1. @SeinfeldToday
Seinfeld and co. if they were about today.
2. @80sDonDraper
Don Draper’s musings, with an 80s twist.
3. @SergeantBrody
Not so active anymore, but worth a look. Ran by comedian Aziz Ansari, the account parodies the thoughts of Homeland’s Nicholas Brody.
4. @KimKierkegaard
Is it a quote from the Danish philosopher Søren Kierkegaard, or reality TV star, Kim Kardashian? YOU decide.