DailyEdge.ie rounds up the TV shows that you’ll be tweeting about tonight and talking about tomorrow.
Broadchurch (TV 3, 10pm)
The crime drama starts to come to a conclusion in the penultimate episode of the third and final series. Ellie and Hardy are so close to finding the culprit now, as more evidence comes to light.
University Challenge (BBC 2, 8pm)
The competition reaches a close. Wolfson College, Cambridge, and Balliol College, Oxford. C’mon the Monkman!
Prison Break (Fox, 9pm)
It’s finally back. Prison Break ended in 2009, but it’s returning for a brand new series. Brothers Michael and Lincoln are both back, but Michael, thought dead, is stuck in Yemen in prison. Will he get out of this one?
Everybody’s talking about… This lad on yesterday’s Six One
The most Kerry accent in all of Kerry showed up on yesterday’s Si One. People can’t get enough of it.
Or flick over for…
Apres Match of the Day (RTE 1, 9.30pm) The lads examine the quarter-final of the 1990s Irish Masters.
All Round to Mrs Brown’s (BBC 2, 11.10pm) Another chance to catch the chat show.
Amazing Hotels, Life Beyond the Lobby (BBC 2, 9pm) Giles Coren and Monica Galetti head to Giraffe Manor in Kenya.
Warship (Channel 4, 8pm) New series following the Royal Navy’s HMS Ocean on a seven month deployment.