LOVE BACON? THEN you’ll completely empathise with this man’s plight.
Yesterday, Ben Roberts posted a picture of (what looked like) six normal, healthy slices of bacon on the grocery chain’s Facebook page.
But all was not as it seemed.
“Now in our house it is pretty much tradition, or more like religion, that we have bacon sandwiches in the morning on a weekend. After all, bacon is the food of champions,” Roberts wrote in an impassioned Facebook post.
I thought it’s OK, when I get home and have cooked the strange number of rashers I simply will have four and my other half can have three. The thought of this made me smile. I will have the most bacon, because I deserve it.
When he arrived home to cook the rashers, disaster struck.
SHUT THE FRONT DOOR! There were only six rashers of bacon. Six. I called my other half into the kitchen but quickly dismissed her as she did not seem to understand the problem.
“I have attached photo evidence and basically what I want to know is what the bloody hell are you going to do about this cruel act of betrayal,” he concluded.
Roberts’ letter had soon been shared over 12,000 times on Facebook, and his problem reached the ears of Tesco Customer Care staff member Jamie, who penned him an equally emotional response.
“Well, it sounds like you’ve gone through a whirlwind of emotions for a Sunday morning,” he said.
Like you my day, month, and year can be made by a top quality bacon butty. I’ll eat them in all the conceivable varieties: with ketchup or brown sauce. Sometimes, just sometimes, I’ll treat myself to what I call the Jamie Special. This requires three slices of bread, some Brie, some mild salsa, bacon (obviously), a dab of imagination, and a George Foreman grill.
Like the fellow bacon lover he is, Tesco Jamie arranged for Roberts to receive a full refund.
Beautiful. Just beautiful.