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How to identify someone who grew up without 'The Channels'

How many remember The Children’s Channel envy?

They can work wonders with a set of rabbit ears

Not only did those without The Channels have to contend with just Bog 1 and Bog 2, they often had to jig around the room to get the picture just right.

Source: a L p

They tell tales of visiting relatives ‘up north’ and grow misty-eyed a the memory of all the lovely channels

BBC, UTV and exotic breakfast cereals lay beyond the border.

Source: 625

They were forced to lie about knowing everything about The Simpsons in school

Source: Shutterstock.com

They could only dream of Gladiators, Stars in their Eyes and Blind Date on a Saturday evening

Seaquest DSV and Baywatch was about as exciting as it got.

Source: Ukgameshows

They remain fiercely envious of people who lived in housing estates and blocks of flats

With clustered housing came piped television, nearby masts and Sky satellite dishes.

Source: PA Archive/Press Association Images

Hulk Hogan is the only one they remember from Wrestlemania

Source: AP/Press Association Images

They remember a childhood of Garda Patrol, Questions and Answers and Murphys Micro Quiz-M

Source: pcummins2009

Source: Old Moore's Almanac

Any mention of The Children’s Channel still sends them into a jealous rage

Source: Tv-ark


Source: Nocookie


Source: Wikimedia

Their only contact with music videos was whatever was on Dempsey’s Den at 5.55pm every day

MTV? No chance.

Source: Valeri Ale

Read: 10 Irish TV shows that should be brought back>

Read: 9 things that used to be free… but aren’t now

About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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