THE CLOCK PUB in Thomas Street is basically a Liberties institution.
It’s a unique and special place. Why?
There are clocks everywhere
It lives up to its name.
It has a whole lotta history
It was apparently a meeting spot of the United Irishmen planning the 1803 rebellion.
You’ll be sure to run in to a few characters
It has a damn aviary out the back
Only, and we mean only, in Ireland.
You can’t beat the bingo inside
And the auld lad interior
Sure they offer discounts to OAPs, and they do a savage pint of Guinness.
It’s the unofficial watering hole for NCAD
Sure it’s only down the road
It’s got so much character
It’s one of those rare pubs in the city that you’ll find more locals in than tourists. They’ll even put on the RTÉ news at six if there’s no sport on.
Did we mention the AVIARY?