EVERY WEEKDAY MORNING, DailyEdge.ie rounds up the best of the day’s celebrity dirt from the top to the very bottom.
The Rock’s baby took a big shite down his back as he was trying to inspire her. Sounds about right, to be honest.
Dwayne Johnson was giving his new baby Jasmine a motivational speech, when she took a big old poo on his neck.
MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH, she’s literally nine months old.
He wrote on Instagram:
In the spirit of Labor Day, I had an amazing philosophical conversation with my baby girl about the value of hard work and how respect is given when it’s earned.
LOL. She’s a baby, mate.
She responded by poo’ing on me in this moment as she plays her favorite game, “Drum time on daddy’s big head”. It was a good talk.
And rightly so.
Rihanna, in the most Rihanna move of all time, walked around New York City feeding birds at 7am. Not only that, but she was dressed like a giant heart.
Click here if you can’t see the video.
Remind you of anyone? You, after you’re forced out of Supermac’s in the late am? Tut tut.
Has Conor McGregor gone and tied the knot..? Is he PLANNING on tying the knot? No, we’re actually asking.
The Notorious chancer posted a photo to Instagram with his girlfriend Dee Devlin describing them both as ‘The McGregor’s’. Her ring finger is mysteriously hidden, so we don’t know if he’s just messing.
And the rest of the day’s dirt…
Hiddleswift have broken up and we are in mourning (DailyEdge.ie)
Calvin Harris is already getting the digs in (Daily Mail)
Zayn Malik is apparently working on a TV show based on his life in One Direction (The Mirror)
Aidan Turner has won Best Actor at the GQ Men of the Year (Daily Mail)